Hi, my name is

Dylan Hoogeveen

I build things for the web.

I am a Software Engineer specialized in web technologies and hosting environments. Currently I'm focused on my role as development lead at Kersvers Digital.

01. About Me

Hi! My name is Dylan Hoogeveen. A Web Developer from the Netherlands. I have a passion for web development and love to create for web and mobile devices. My interests in development started in 2012 when I started college.

dylan hoogeveen profile

02. Experience

Ever since I started college I also worked either as freelancer or at a company. I have worked on many projects for clients and have gained a lot of experience in the field.

    03. Works

    Take a look at some of my works I've done over the years. The works include both freelance as well as company projects.

    No works yet
    Check out my other works

    04. Posts

    I write blog posts about things I learn, remember or things I want to share with the world.

    Check out my other posts

    05. Snippets

    Some code snippets I've created over the years that come in handy during my development works.

    Check out my other snippets

    06. Contact

    Even though I'm currently not looking for work, feel free to get in touch. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi!